An article about reverse-engineering an IoT cloud service. This is part one of a two-part series, covering intercepting network traffic between a cloud service, and a client app running in a virtual machine.
Introducing hrefs, a handy Python library that makes it easy to manage hyperlinks in Starlette/FastAPI applications, or with other web API frameworks using pydantic models.
A physicist’s take on the epic novel series by Dan Simmons.
An article about a DIY project helping me to use razor blades more economically. It's based on Arduino, with emphasis on designing low-power software.
An article about some micro-optimization tricks that can be used to squeeze some more juice from a simulation program written in C++.
Why do floating objects, such as plastic toys, eventually drift away from the shore instead of staying close to it? Let's find out with a computer simulation and a quick pen-and-paper calculation.
I’m now a full-stack developer by job description, but how deep is a stack a single developer can be expected to handle?
Context managers are the preferred way to write readable and robust Python code that doesn’t leak resources. contextlib makes writing and using context managers a breeze. Check out some examples for productive use.
Revisiting an earlier example, this post shows how to implement a simple non-blocking echo server using the low level Linux APIs. It also introduces how to use techniques like object oriented design and coroutines in the C language.
Popular comparison sorting algorithms need an order of O(n log n) comparisons to sort an array of size n. But can we do better if we try hard enough? Mathematics says that, in general, we cannot, and here’s the proof.